Core ElementsAnimated

Modal with CSS3 animation

Please note that CSS3 Modal Animation, also as Popover Animation require special JavaScript to operate. ORB uses revised original Bootstrap Modal class to get animations worked. Internet Explorer 9 doesn't support modal and popover animations.
fade InLeft | OutLeft fade InRight | OutRight fade InUp | OutUp fade InDown | OutDown
fade InLeftBig | OutLeftBig fade InRightBig | OutRightBig fade InUpBig | OutUpBig fade InDownBig | OutDownBig bounce InLeft | OutLeft bounce InRight | OutRight bounce InUp | OutUp bounce InDown | OutDown bounce In | Out rotate InDownLeft | OutDownLeft rotate InDownRight | OutDownRight rotate InUpLeft | OutUpLeft rotate InUpRight | OutUpRight lightSpeed In | Out wobble roll In | Out bounce shake tada swing rubberBand pulse

Popover with CSS3 animation